Application Phase Finished
The application phase concluded on Thursday 12 March 2015 (23:59 GMT+12). Applications are now being processed. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on Thus 12 March 2015.
The MLSS's popularity continues to rise. Even more so than in previous years, we received many times more applications than there are available places (the size of the group is limited by the available seats in the lecture hall). Hence participants have to be selected by an internal review based on the documents they provided during the application. We ask everyone who submitted an application for their understanding in this process.
Important Dates:
- Mon, 12 January 2015: application system opens
- Thu, 12 February 2015: deadline for applications
- Thu, 12 March 2015: notification of acceptance
- Fri, 17 April 2015: registration fees due
- Mon, 13 July to Fri 24 July 2015: MLSS takes place
The fees for the school cover tuition, lunch, coffee breaks, and the banquet. They fees are
- For students (including PhD students): 250.00 EUR
- For other academics (including postdocs): 500.00 EUR
- For professionals: 750.00 EUR
In addition, this year, we are happy to be have secured an accommodation package with the local youth hostel, for a fixed price of 400.00 EUR + VAT for the entire duration of the MLSS including half-board. Participants who do not want to use this option can arrange for accommodation in Tübingen privately.
Some frequently asked questions from past years

There have been repeated questions regarding the poster sessions. Posters are a long-standing tradition at the MLSS. Each applicant is asked to bring along a poster presentation covering some of their own work. This does not need to be published work (ongoing work, or work resulting from undergraduate projects is also fine, were applicable). While the day program covers broad areas of general interest, the poster sessions offer participants a chance to discuss their own work with their peers. The poster presentations will be a relaxed affair: Posters will be distributed across a room, with participants presenting to small groups of two or three standing in front of their posters.
Travel Stipends
A limited number of stipends will be available to students in need of financial support. Recipients of such stipends were informed of the details in their confirmation mail.